Cultivating a Growth Mindset In Your Career
— SUE SKAVLEM, 10/2024

Wherever you are in your career - it's probably on the cusp of change with the AI revolution.
That can be scary, or an opportunity to launch yourself into gaining new skills. Or both.
Your mind is built to be flexible. When we're young, we try things out. We play pretend. We see what works. We laugh while we're learning because we're playing.
As children, we didn't have to worry about looking smart. About being absolutely right. About margins for error. We built roads and cities from blocks, then knocked them down and used the blocks for something else. We learned balance and THEN momentum, and how to fall. And how to keep going.
We danced and ran to the next boundary. Celebrating our growth with parties, hugs, gifts, and high-fives.
Growing is a LOT of work. But it makes life so exciting.
What would happen if, as a kid, you had the power to decide your body was done growing - and that you didn't need to learn new skills like riding a bike or tying a shoe? Or sharing? Or reading? Or responsibility?
That would be really tragic.
Human curiosity and adaptability are a gift.
They help us survive & without them, we cannot grow.
What is a Growth Mindset?
Carol Dweck coined the terms "Growth Mindset" and "Fixed Mindset"
It all comes down to the way you think about your brain.
What is a Fixed Mindset?
A fixed mindset says: "I'm stuck here, and it's not my fault."
A fixed mindset says: "I can't do it." A growth mindset says: "I can't do it yet."
How Does This Play Out In My Career?
If you're in a position of power, influence, or just don't want to mess things up - you may feel paralyzed by fear of failing.
That's ok.
You're not "doing it wrong." No one is here to give you an F.
Maybe you need to take a moment to watch a kid learn to walk. Or a bird learn to fly. Maybe take some time to volunteer as a high school coach's assistant. Remind your brain with concrete examples: There is a difference between power and skill.
There is a difference between ability and skill.
There is a difference between talent and skill.
Skills take time to build.
You can have power and start at level 1 to master a new skill.
You can have ability and practice leveling up a skill.
You can have talent and blend in a new skill.
Trying something new - learning a new skill, new way of thinking, or new way of communicating - takes time.
Think of it this way:
The practical side of building a skill is PRACTICE not PERFORMANCE.
If you want to learn a new skill to advance your career, get ready to play. Try something, and if it doesn't work, try again.
Are you done growing?
Are you inspired by other people's skills or intimidated?
Are you threatened by new ways of doing things taking away your job?
When was the last time you played?
What hobby do you feel silly for admitting to liking because it has no monetary or productive value?
When do you allow yourself time to practice?
What's one thing you wish you could learn to master, but haven't tried because you're not good enough at it?
I hope you make time to play at something new. Growing doesn't have to be only hard - it can be hard AND amazing.
Meet The Author

Sue from Skavlem Designs
When I make a design, I think – What can this do?
These designs don’t just exist. These designs DO. They work hard alongside you and your business. These designs are levers. They are sales. They are engaged customers. They are brand recognition that gets you that meeting.
Top 3 things I love to do: Read. Paint. Snowboard.